Students » School Uniform

School Uniform

Ambler Avenue Elementary, High Achieving Gifted Magnet and Dual Language School

Stephanie Austin, Principal


Uniform Policy

In our efforts to create a better and safer learning environment at school, we are encouraging all students to participate in Ambler Avenue’s Uniform Dress Code. School uniforms will allow students to focus on learning. Additionally, with the visual uniformity present across all students, the instance of school pride will also increase. Studies show that wearing uniforms will set a more professional tone on campus which allows students to take school more seriously, thus improving school achievement.

In accordance with Bulletin -2549.1, the Uniform Policy shall be adopted as a component of Ambler Elementary’s Safe School Plan

The policy will be implemented as follows:

Ambler Ave. Elementary Home School Campus: Navy blue bottoms and white or light blue tops

Dual Language School Campus: Navy blue bottoms and red tops

Magnet Program Campus: Khaki bottoms and navy blue tops

It is expected that students are in uniforms 4 days a week, Monday-Thursday. Friday is College T-Shirt day.

Please contact the school Main Office at (310) 532-4090 if you have difficulty providing uniforms for your child.